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College Student Workout: No Gym, No Problem

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It’s a well-known fact that college students across the nation are experiencing rapid weight gains. According to a study by Cornell University, the average college freshman gains about 0.5 pounds a week. This rate of weight gain is nearly 11 times more than their slightly younger peers and 20 times more than the average American adult.

Exercise is an effective method to combat these extra pounds, but realistically, how many college students can squeeze gym visits into their already jam-packed schedules? The stress and busyness that come with college life are often contributing factors to this weight gain. A practical solution is to incorporate exercises that can be performed easily in your dorm room.

Consider trying this Dorm Room Exercise Routine that you can do in the comfort of your own space. As always, make sure to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program.

Equipment Needed: Optional dumbbells or barbell – can also be performed using just body weight.

Starting Position: Stand with your feet together, barbell across your shoulders, or hands on your hips if not using weights. Take a significant step forward and lower into a lunge, bending both knees.

Movement: Exhale as you push back up to standing, or continue moving forward into another lunge.

Equipment Needed: Optional exercise mat.

Starting Position for Beginners: Start on all fours on the mat with hands positioned directly under shoulders. Extend your knees back until your body forms a straight line from head to knees.

Starting Position for Advanced: From all fours, extend your legs back so your body forms a straight line from head to feet.

Movement: Inhale as you lower your body towards the mat. Keep your back flat and avoid letting it sag. Exhale as you push back up to the starting position.

Equipment Needed: Optional exercise mat.

Starting Position: Lie on your back on the mat with knees bent and feet flat. Place your hands behind your head for support and focus your gaze upwards.

Movement: Exhale and lift your upper body a few inches off the mat by contracting your abdominal muscles. Keep your back straight and avoid using your hands to pull up. Hold at the top briefly before slowly returning to the starting position.

In addition to these exercises, try incorporating regular walks or jogs around campus into your routine. This combination of activities will help you effectively manage and potentially reverse the trend of college weight gain.

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